Learners will be able…
… reflect their own actions in relation to other people.
… be more sensitive about other’s needs.
… understand the importance of “proper” inclusion in everyday life.


You need:

  • 15-20 minutes
  • 2-25 persons (no limit)
  • A blind fold


Instructions (Step-by-Step)

  • Ask one of the participants to shortly leave the room with you. When you are alone, you give him or her a task which the person needs to solve. (Like go to the other side of the room take something and bring it back to the door). But the person is not allowed to talk and he or she must be blindfolded as soon as they enter the room again.
  • The other participants now have the assignment to help the blind person without knowing what he or she needs/wants to do. They need to watch the actions of the person and react as they think they should to help to solve the task.
  • After a while or as soon as the assignment is solved, the blindfolded person is allowed to speak and see again. Now ask them to reflect as a group the situation.
    • What were the difficulties?
    • Did the rest of the group understand what the blindfolded person needed/wanted?
    • How did the blindfolded one feel in this situation?
    • Which parts of the help were right which needs were completely misunderstood?
  • Now, let the group discuss what they can learn from this experience for their everyday life. Show them, that helping others is always important but sometimes the ones in need cannot tell or show you exactly what they want from you, so you need to be attentive and respectful to find the right approach.