Learners will be able…
… to identify ways in which science is transforming our world.
… to understand the role science has played in the shaping of (human) lives.
… to describe connections between scientific discovery, development, cooperation, everyday life, social and cultural change, value systems, environment.
… to understand the importance of science and the responsibility of the individual for the collective endeavour of co-shaping our future.
You need:
- 25 minutes
- whole class
Instructions (Step-by-Step)
- Work with the whole group. Ask the learners to think of and share some of the multiple fields and industries, where scientific advancements have been significant. Challenge them to find an aspect of their daily lives that has not been shaped by science.
- Read this quote by Sir Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Ask learners to interpretate the quote.
- Work with an example given by the learners and discuss:
- Which scientific discoveries were needed to get to the current version of their example? How have all of these helped develop other non-related fields and industries?
- Has the use of this knowledge influenced the daily lives of people or other beings? If yes, in which way? Has it brought upon any social or cultural change? If yes, name a few.
- Have any of the changes been negative or have lead to (perhaps unexpected) detrimental effects? What was the reason for it? How can these unwanted changes be dealt with?
- Some scientific theories were once considered to be correct but were later proven to be false or only partially correct. What consequence does that have? In our day and age, scientific advancement is very quick, re-shaping our lives faster than in previous times. Ask the students on their thoughts of the role of science in these fast-paced changes.
- Is science unbiased? What potential difficulties could that bias bring? Who finances scientific research and for what purpose? Do the learners believe that might have an impact on the scientific advancement?
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